YBCG — YLIS radio
Situation |
Pilot |
Pilot |
Action |
Taxi YBCG |
121.8 |
Gold Coast GND KJR C172 2PoB received ATIS GA parking to Lismore request taxi and airways clearance |
KJR Gold Coast GND taxi HLDG point C RWY14 cross RWY17 cleared track DCT Lismore amended 3000 QNH 1010 squawk 1614 |
taxi HLDG point C RWY14 cross RWY17 DCT Lismore 3000 QNH 1010 squawk 1614 KJR |
write down and read back taxi and airways clearance on nav log, if cloud does not permit planned height “request amended ALT” in initial TX |
HLDG point C |
118.7 |
Gold Coast TWR KJR ready RWY14 |
KJR Gold Coast TWR cleared for take-off make right turn |
cleared for take-off make right turn KJR |
commence take-off, climb to 500ft AGL before right turn, turn onto intercept track, use VOR to intercept outbound track |
~2000ft transfer BN APP |
118.7 |
KJR contact BN APP 123.5 |
BN APP 123.5 |
airborne report |
123.5 |
BN APP KJR passing ALT climbing to 3000 |
KJR BN APP identified |
continue climb to 3000 |
123.5 |
KJR climb to 4500 |
4500 KJR |
climb to 4500 |
Approaching controlled airspace boundary |
123.5 |
KJR you have two miles to run control and identification services terminated frequency change approved |
frequency change approved KJR |
change to 119.5 |