Straight and Level
Doug Field
Eurofox 3K 24-5350
- Define S&L (5 elements)
- constant speed
- constant direction
- constant altitude
- wings level
- balanced
- Controls for S&L (4 controls)
- Maintaining S&L workcycle (ALAP)
- Attitude
- Lookout
- Attitude
- Performance
- S&L at different speeds
- slow
- with flap
- 4000rpm
- 75-85KIAS
- slightly > 50/50 attitude
- normal
- 4800rpm
- 90-95KIAS
- 50/50 attitude
- fast
- 5200rpm
- 105KIAS
- slightly < 50/50 attitude
- Regaining S&L (PAST)
- Power
- Attitude
- Speed
- Trim
- Stability
- pitch
- roll
- yaw
- Rod likes to do pitch, yaw then roll
- Rod doesn’t show roll stability at low AoB, but suggests do what the instructor feels is appropriate