20190725 Flightscope Aviation
- PMI (6-8 hours)
- Briefings (30 hours)
- How to deliver briefings
- e.g. effect of controls
- 45 minute (maximum) for a briefing
- 15 minute de-brief
- 20 hours flying total
=5 hours flying with Rod
- RAAus ops manual
- privileges and limitations of instructor rating
- aerodynamics
- Flight Instructor Manual
- CPL aerodynamics
- parasitic drag
- induced drag
- “where happens to Centre of Pressure during a stall?”
- etc
- Alter-ego will ask questions, including silly questions
- e.g. “what is a stall?”
- Do not over-complicate the answer
- “a stall is exceeding the critical angle of attack”
- 2-2.5 hours
- brief
- pre-flight
- flight
- debrief (not practiced)