QNH: 1014hPa
OAT: 25°C
ELE: 1450ft
AUW: 750kg
Headwind: 8kt
Pressure Altitude: 1450 + ((1014 - 1013) * 30) = 1480
TODR[PoH 5.2.5 diagram]: 360 metres
For operation on dry grass runway increase the required take-off distances by 25%
TODR[PoH]: 360 * 1.25 = 450
TODR[CAO 20.7.4]: 450 * 1.15 = 517.5
517.5 metres
LDR[PoH 5.2.13 diagram]: 200 metres
For operation on dry grass runway increase the required landing distances by 15%
LDR[PoH]: 200 * 1.15 = 230
LDR[CAO 20.7.4]: 230 * 1.15 = 264.5
264.5 metres
hosted at https://1007036.gitlab.io/notes
source hosted at https://gitlab.com/1007036/notes
last updated at time 2024-09-19 11:49:24 GMT
last updated by user Tony Morris
access control public
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License.