20180714 Eurofox 3K LSA self-assessment
- more back pressure on TO roll
- achieve 65 KIAS then 75 KIAS
- keep hand on throttle (trim once, then hand back)
- at 1000ft pull power (~90 mm travel) to 4000rpm
- maintain 1000ft, lift nose (trim)
- abeam threshold, power to 2500rpm
- maintain 1000ft, lift nose (trim)
- under 81KIAS (Vfe), take full flap
- turn base, achieve and maintain 65KIAS
- use power to maintain profile
- flare with nose to horizon (not higher)
- flap to half, trim to TO, 3 turns on throttle, then full
- rudder and trim flying (no stick)
- sideslip: maintain centreline with aileron
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