
Pre-circuits runway 10L

Taxi to run-up bay
Pre take-off checks
Departure briefing

Today we will be using runway one zero left which will require a left hand circuit direction.

Safety briefing

In the event of FIRE, FAILURE or ABNORMALITY prior to rotate I WILL close the throttle, apply maximum braking, exit the runway at the closest taxiway. In the event of FIRE, FAILURE or ABNORMALITY after rotate with remaining runway I WILL lower the nose, CLOSE the throttle, land the aircraft on the remaining runway, apply maximum braking, exit the runway at the closest taxiway. In the event of FIRE, FAILURE or ABNORMALITY after rotate WITHOUT remaining runway I WILL lower the nose to adopt the glide attitude, select a landing area within 30 degrees either side of the nose the first time I will attempt a turn back to the runway will be only if I have commenced a turn OR have sufficient height to glide back to the runway.

Taxi to holding point