Navigation Ground School

20170617 Pathfinder Aviation, David Stehbens

Written material

Flight planning
Using the back of a Flight Notification Form
Flight planning additional notes to make on ground
The 1 in 60 rule

sin x ~= x


On a 90nm leg, after a 30nm visual check point, find that your position is 5nm to the right of the check point. Correction angle for initial is 60/(30/5)=10 and with 60nm remaining, another correction 60/(60/5)=5 is required to track to point on flight leg.


Additional notes

Simulated flight plan on WAC and Flight Notification Form

Simulated flight plan on WAC and Flight Notification Form

Simulated flight plan on WAC and Flight Notification Form

Simulated flight plan on WAC and Flight Notification Form

Notes on filling out Flight Notification Form

Notes on filling out Flight Notification Form

Arbitrary notes

Arbitrary notes

Flight planning additional notes to make on ground

Flight planning additional notes to make on ground

Flight planning additional notes to make on ground

Flight planning additional notes to make on ground

1 in 60 Rule

1 in 60 Rule

1 in 60 Rule examples

1 in 60 Rule examples

Answers to specific questions

Answers to specific questions

Calculating Density Altitude and True Airspeed on E6B

Calculating Density Altitude and True Airspeed on E6B

Flight plan on WAC

Flight plan on WAC

Flight plan on WAC

Flight plan on WAC

Flight Notification Form

Flight Notification Form

Flight Notification Form

Flight Notification Form