To learn how to conduct various types of turn, and to turn accurately towards a features and on to specific headings
From memory correctly state:
Using the model, correctly state the force that turns the aircraft.
From memory, correctly state the effect on turning performance when IAS is increased.
From memory, correctly state the technique to enter, maintain, and exit a medium level turn.
VCL ~ Vertical Component of Lift
HCL ~ Horizontal Component of Lift
Turn is caused by HCL
Load Factor (LF) = Lift:Weight
Straight & Level, 1:1
30deg, 1.15:1
60deg, 2:1
AoB ~ Angle of Bank
With constant IAS and increasing AoB
Turn Radius decreases
Rate of Turn increases
With increasing IAS and constant AoB
Turn Radius increases
Rate of Turn decreases
Adverse Aileron Yaw is tendency to yaw out of turn
Frise Aileron to counteract
Differential Aileron to counteract
For example, under a left turn
Inclinometer to the left
* |
Slip: needs left rudder input
Inclinometer to the right
* |
Skid: needs right rudder input
Inclinometer centre
* |
Climbing Turn
Outer wing
Greater AoA on outer wing
Overbank tendency
Aileron to correct
Descending Turn
Inner wing
Greater AoA on inner wing
Underbank tendency
Aileron to correct
Gentle: Up to 15 degrees AoB
Rate 1: (True Air Speed + 7) / 10
, usually ~15 degrees AoB, also known as 2 minute turn
Medium: 30 degrees AoB
Climbing: 15 degrees (Rate 1) limit
Descending: 30 degrees (Medium) limit
Select reference
Select Altitude
Begin turn: ALAP
Bank with aileron
Balance with rudder for slip & skid (slight)
Backpressure on elevator (slight)
End turn: ALAP
Handing over and taking over clarity.